Members of AGIC – Associação Portuguesa dos Guias-Intérpretes e Correios de Turismo

Luís Lopes

Luís Lopes

Luís Lopes was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal, and very early decided to have a career in Tourism, after getting fascinated about learning and speaking foreign languages. Soon, he developed a passion for History, Geography, Art, Culture, Music… and, no less important, for people. All this contributed to focus his upper studies in Tourism & Tour Guiding, in a Lisbon institute/college. At the same time, he successfully finished a course for broadcasters in the main radio station of Portugal.

Luís started his career as an Official Tour Guide, in 1973 and, soon, also became a tour and cruise manager by invitation from foreign tour companies, mostly but not only, based in USA. Later, and also by appointment, he became a lecturer, an activity that he further developed into creating his own documented narratives – through deeper personal research and countless theme courses and workshops – and supported by his own-built slide presentations. His latest research was focused on the evolution of Music in Portugal, in the 18C and 19C (which, among other things, gave birth to Italian Lisbon for Music Lovers – a theme walking tour with Music).

Luís is a founding member of AGIC (the Portuguese Association of Certified Guides and Tour Managers), created in 2004.

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